
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

alpha/dictionary challenge - letter V

Who could have thought (besides the smart brains over at The Craft Barn) that just by browsing an ordinary dictionary, you could be so inspired. Me not, that’s for sure, or I would have done it much sooner.
I decided to do the challenges which I need to catch up with in the same order as they came out.
So I started out by reading the V-pages and found so many words that inspired me, in the end  I went with the word ‘verbal’ and this is how it turned out:

Because I’m feeling so inspired I don’t  want to leave it at just this page, so I grabbed my art journal and continued with the other V-words that screamed (not just spoke) out to me. One of those words was valentine:

The background was made using my gelli plate, this was the first time I printed directly into my journal, but will definitely be doing this more in the future as I like the result.
Still words on my to do list: volcano, vintage, Victorian, Venetian, view.

Will keep you posted on the progress I make.


  1. Most definitely print directly in your journal- what you have made here is fabulous!! So glad you shared with the party!

    1. You are so right about us crafters and wanting to receive comments, encouragement of our companions in crime :-) Your kind words mean a lot to me.

  2. fab prints, love the vibrant colours

    1. Thanks, I think I'm getting the hang in making art journal pages, it took a while befor I managed to finish some but now I can't seem to stop :-)
