
Thursday, September 12, 2013

alpha/dictionary challenge

While browsing the net I stumbled onto a blog challenge held by The Craft Barn, the alpha/dictionary challenge.
For the challenge you need to alter a dictionary or use pages out of a dictionary; every 2 weeks they post a letter (not in alphabetically order and sometimes with a twist) and away you go with altering. 
The challenge is already running from January and they are almost finished, currently they are on challenge 18 (out of the 26), so I need to catch up a lot. But altering a book was still on my to try list, so I went to the thrift store and got myself an oxford english dictionary and started challenge 18, which is the letter Z
To my surprise there were only 2 pages on the letter Z, I scanned trough the words and came across the word Zinnia, as English is not my native language I didn’t really know this word. I did some research and found out that these are beautiful flowers; this inspired me to do a spread about the flower fairy Zinnia:


  1. Great Page for Zinnia. I have the flower fairy Zinnia stamp but the word wasn't in my dictionary.


    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated

  2. Its never too late to join in the fun. Great idea to use the flower fairy and fab texture on your pages. You might want to frame your definition just to make it stand out a little more -its a bit hard to see at the bottom of the page. Can't wait to see your next entry.

    1. Thanks for the comment and will do. I'm waiting for the next letter, bring it on.

  3. What a fab start with great texture. I hope you manage to catch up.

    1. I don't think I will be able to catch up by the end of the challenge but it is certainly my intention to finish the whole project.

  4. Love Zinnias, gorgeous flowers, and so is your page
    Thanks for playing

    1. Thanks for the nice comments, I love the challenge and will certainly join some more.
