
Friday, November 8, 2013

New Home cards

Hello there,

I made these colorful cards for someone who is moving, so they can notify all of their relatives and friends of this event and give them the new address.
I made them out of gelli prints and a homemade house stamp (for the how to see also pretty dress stamp)

I'm so glad I found a way of using up some of my gelli prints, so I can make some more J

The sweepstake remains open for another 22 days, be sure to check it out over here.


  1. Hello. I wanted to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, Handgathered. It's fun to see so many of us playing with the Gelli plate near and far. Your work is inspiring and you are a good Mama for playing 'art' with them. Anni

    1. Playing with the gelli plate is so much fun and Carolyne is such a good host each month :-)

  2. I am now a following member of your blog. I too remember starting out and we could all use friends!!

  3. Genius gift for someone who is moving (and you get use all sorts of printss)! Thanks for sharing with A Colorful Gelli Print Party!

    1. Thanks. I must say I appreciate it a lot that you take the time to look at all the entrees and leave a comment.
