
Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Wednesday? Really?
It doesn’t feel like wedsnesday to me, probably because we had Monday a day off I think it is only Tuesday J
Before I show you my desk I want to show you my son’s

Since we moved to our new craft room I’ve been able to keep my desk in more or less good shape, he however not yet, I think it might be age related (or I hope so).
But admitst all this mess he is still able to create and have fun, recently I’m amazed at what he is doing all on his own.
Here for example is the stove he made out of a cardboard box

Complete with an opening oven door which even has a grill in it and turning nobs, pretty amazing he.

Now on to my desk and what is on it

You can see my ARTicles spread for this week in progress and my sketch book where I write down my ideas and sketch out very roughly what I want to do ( don’t always work that way but often I do)

That's all for me for now, but if you come back on sunday you can see the completed page.


  1. how very organised you are! I very rarely work like that (perhaps I should!!) Just think what a nice surprise we'll have on Friday though... Helen #1

  2. Your son is very creative, definitely in the genes! Have a happy week
    Lynda B 9

  3. Your sons oven looks so cute but with all those knows I'm sure it gets to be one hot oven lol. Looks like you know exactly what you'll be making hugs Nikki 2

  4. How clever children are when given a box to play with . the possibilities are endless for them.
    Jill #6

  5. Sounds as if your son is going to be a designer when he grows up - maybe working in television or something. Whatever, he has a great imaginative mind, you must be so proud of his achievements.
    Perhaps your organisational skills will rub off on him before too long.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  6. WOW! You have a really interesting desk today with lots going on there, look forward to seeing the progress


  7. Loving the stove - how wonderful for him to have the space to be really messy and creative. Now what happens when he asks how to I get it to cook stuff? Happy crafting x Jackie 16

  8. Brilliant stove! Very talented child.I will look forward to seeing the finished layout..Elaine #14

  9. Such a creative little boy you have there... will he be baking a cake for you soon?! I can't wait until Sunday to see the final page of yours!
    MiSchra #23

  10. I love th art that children make...they just go for it and aren't worried about what it looks like. The oven is fab, I love the fact that it has turning knobs..clever lad!! I'm all out with the days too after the Easter weekend!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  11. One really creative son! Well done that man. Love the book on your desk, too!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #21

  12. What a creative boy you have, and lovely that he has such a nice space to work in. I wonder if your tidy influence will rub off on him! Have a great week,
    Diana #24

  13. Love your son's creativity! I know what you mean about the days, I'm convinced it's Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing your pages completed. Cara x

  14. That is an amazing stove! He might grow up to be a designer. I started reading your notes, only to realize they were in Dutch, LOL! Great use of your creative spaces - so lovely that you can art & craft together with your son! Thanks for visiting earlier, zsuzsa #26

  15. Hi Vicky, your son seems to enjoy his creative play, which is always a good sign. I too have been making notes about journal pages I want to do. It's something I haven't done yet, but want to start, so thought some prompts might get me going. Have a great week,Hugs, Shaz #7xx

  16. It's great that your son has his own desk and that it's well used! He looks like he has fun on it.

    You look so very organised. My ideas tend to be written down on scrap pieces of paper lol.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #42

  17. Your sons desk looks closer to mine! He dies some great creations!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #34

  18. Isn't it great when kids can express their creativity! Your son's cooker is great! And he also has a desk to muck about! Wonderful.
    It is nice seeing your journal page and I enjoyed the story about the giant omelette. (as I can read the Dutch).
    Thanks for visiting already,
    Happy WOYWW and have a great week

  19. Looks like you both have been busy...... I love the stove your son has made reminds me of when my girls where little making things from cardboard boxes. My daughter always says I am an artist and where messy. Lol I always make notes and take pictures with my phone when I am creating so I remember where it was before glueing it down. Love your art journal. Have a great week. Hugs ~Anne L#3

  20. I think it's so lovely that you have a nice space to share and create in together. Tell your son I think his oven is fantastic.
    Sounds like you are a soul sister with me in being organised.
    I'm away Sunday but hopefully I will catch up later. I'll sign in as a follower, I should get you in my newsfeed then.
    Thanks dropping by earlier. The wall of pictures is real in this house. Our bedroom has one wall which is known as the Wall Of Flowers as it's covered in charity shop/vintage finds framed flower pics.
    Lynn 14 x

  21. Love your son's desk & how fab that he's following in your crafty footsteps (even if he's not quite so organised ;o) Your desk is great too & I your journalling looks fab :o)

  22. A very organised desk - mine is more like your son's! That's a great stove he had made. Thanks for visiting earlier.
    Bernice #15

  23. Oh I think my desk is very similar to your son's, never as organised as yours. I am clearly not very good at translating Dutch if you say you write down your ideas and sketches and I read something about an omelette, however there is an omelette pictured there, so maybe you were planning one for supper. Looks good anyway.
    Thanks for dropping by at my place, and your nice remarks.
    Chris #20

  24. aww love your sons creativness. Thank you for the visit earlier - have a great week . Soojay xx

  25. They're so uninhibited compared to us! And the table top...well, you may not want to know this, but it might not be an age thing! Love that you write down your ideas and sketches - such a good discipline!

  26. Vicky I LOVE your sons' stove! Very, very creative! And I love that you guys have that in common and can share that time together! My daughter and I share creative time together and it is the bees knees! Blessings! Felicia #53

  27. Thanks for your visit Vicky, having a restless night and playing catch up. Rain and damp winds so looking forward to Sunshine and 60's this weekend. Love that kids have an area to be creative. Your son did a great job creating. I need to write down things in a notes are getting stacked and come up missing. Have a fun weekend.

  28. I LOVE that you have a work desk set up for your son in your craft room to encourage his creativity. By the looks of that stove, you may have a little engineer in the making. Blessings!

  29. It's so much fun to see children's imaginations at work. Thanks for dropping by. Peg 56

  30. Love seeing your son's project! And your desk looks quite tidy yet busy! Thanks for the visit and hope you have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #43

  31. Thanks for showing us your son's desk and his fabulous stove, well done him (now I'm wondering how old he is???) Thanks for visiting me BJ#49

  32. How nice that you and your son get to craft near each other and that he has his own desk. I love that he made a stove to play with. It looks like the two of you are having a great time playing. Thanks for the visit earlier. PJ #54

  33. Great to see both of your desks. Love his creativity. What a great idea to have a sketchbook for planning. I usually just dive in.
    Thanks for stopping by. Happy WOYWW!

  34. Happy belated WOYWW and thank you for your visit yesterday. Loving the cardboard stove and all of your craftiness. Ali x #18

  35. All looks fun and creative! Take care. Zo xx 41

  36. Wat geweldig leuk dat ik je heb geinspireerd om je ARTicles-boek weer op te pakken/bij te houden. Ik voel me vereerd! Geniet nog van de dag en het (beloofde) mooie weekend. Hier schijnt de zon al uitbundig en ik begin langzaam te geloven dat de Lente echt in aantocht is... heerlijk! Groetjes uit zonnig zeeland, Marit woyww #33

  37. That is so awesome that your son has his own space to create in your studio. ( I *heart* that so much!) :) Love his stove. sometimes the best things I make come from a huge mess of everything out to be poked around in :) thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy #64

  38. Vicky! I didn't know this was your Blog! I didn't know you did WOYWW or I forgot. I haven't been here for over a month! I think it is cool that your son can create in your space too! :) Thank you for visiting my space. Have a great week-end!

  39. Love your sons art. its good that he can do these things, Your Sketch book.

    Lilian B #72
