
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

WOYWW 419 - background 35/100

It seems that I’ve only blinked with my eyes and we are already 3 weeks further.
I haven’t been crafting because I had a lot of going on at work and at home,
 I know, I know, this shouldn’t be an excuse but…
2 weeks ago my son made a nasty fall with his new bike, he flew over his steering wheel with his face on the street (needless to say that that was traumatizing both for him and me),
Spent the rest of the evening in the hospital where the outcome was a damaged face and 2 chipped tooth, glad to say that in the meanwhile his face has healed and the dentist did a terrific job on his teeth, you can’t see a thing.

So yesterday was the first time I sat down at my desk

where I made the start on background #35.


  1. What is it with boys and bikes?! My two came off theirs with regularity. I'm glad your son is better now and his teeth are fixed.
    Hugs, LLJ 3 xxx

  2. Hi Vicky I think you have a good excuse for not doing much crafting. Pleased everything turned out okay. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x16x

  3. Hi Vicky, good to hear your son is healing well. I can remember one of mine- and he was in his teens- coming off his bike on a cinder path- came home looking the most awful mess, totally skinned his arm from elbow to fingertips! Boys and bikes, eh! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX

  4. Poor little chap - glad to hear he's recovered. It must have been very traumatizing for both of you. Hope you can return to creating soon! zsuzsa #28

  5. With my son, it was being hit by a car whilst staring at motorbikes - long time ago now... but they do make us worry, do they not?
    Hope there's no lasting damage and you can get back to almost full-time craftiness :)
    Have a wonderful Wednesday :)
    Bubbles (PatchworkApples)

  6. Glad to hear your son is healing well. I chipped a tooth roller skating. The kicker is I was with my dentist and his kids!! I don't know if my parents got a discount or not! Tee hee.

    The beginnings of your circle background looks nice and colorful. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (43)

  7. prayers and healing Light for the bike accident. Love the color on your desk
    robyn 6

  8. I have typed all this once and pressed the wrong button. I ended up saying I had "lost the plot" and when my comment disappeared I realised I have!!!
    Reading about your son's accident made my tummy all tingly in a not nice way and set my teeth on edge. It must have been awful to see him like that. Glad the medical people have turned it around for him (and you). Hope the soreness has faded by now for him.
    I did say I had done a similar journal page but mine was squares. Then I went on to say it was nothing like yours as mine was just black and white! That's when I thought I had lost the plot. Love the colours on your page.
    Hugs & Thanks for the visit - Neet 7 xx

  9. Vicky, you won't believe this but I must have pressed something because I suddenly needed my password. Now, me and passwords??? So I have had to go through the procedure to change my password, hope I remember this one. I think it is time to have a nap!
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  10. Glad to hear your son is okay. And we all have life get in the way of our crafting. April #33

  11. Oh my goodness, that sounds like a whole lot of hurt. Good thing bodies can heal and dentists can do their thing! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #64

  12. oh gosh, your poor son! glad he's recovering. great desk today. Helen #1

  13. Oh bless him, that must have been so traumatic for both of you. Glad to hear he's recovering well and hopefully you can do some crafting together x

  14. Good to hear all is now well with you son. Traumatic for all and lovely that you can come back to woyww and crafting.
    sandra de@11

  15. Oh your poor son, hope he is OK now. Love your circle background. Thanks for visiting me BJ#5

  16. Bless him I hope your son is doing good... Love your desk your background of your page is coming along beautifully.... May #29

  17. What a fabulous workspace!
    Have a super weekend,
    Katie xx44

  18. What a fabulous workspace!
    Have a super weekend,
    Katie xx44

  19. What a fabulous workspace!
    Have a super weekend,
    Katie xx44
