
Wednesday, May 1, 2019


It's been over a year since I last shared my desk,
but a couple of weeks ago I saw a FBpost from Sarah from Sarah's Craft Shed
about decreasing blogviews 
and I was reminded of this lovely supporting community
so I ought it was time to join in again,
that is if you have me back of course?

Below a snapshot I just made from my desk

and here are some detail pictures


top left are some watersoluble oil pastels from Talens,
at the right a box filled with my indexcards for the 365somethings2018 challenge,
 yes, I am still doing the 365somethings2018,
I am currently at no.199.
I am determined to finish this challenge, rather then abondan it,
don't know in which year it will be finished though 😏
because lately crafting has been on a low fire.
I am trying to find my mojo back in different ways:
by investing in new supplies, 
joining back with this bloghop,
creating new stencils with my Silhouette (bottom picture)

thx for stopping by.


  1. It's lovely to see you back on the desks again! I'd like to see what you end up doing with that print of the Mona Lisa!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  2. Hi there, lovely to see you back, and just in time for the big 10th Birthday! I use my Silhouette for stencil making too, very useful, isn't it? Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  3. Hello - so nice to pop in and see you again after such a long break on my part. Glad I'm not the only one who is popping back in after some time away. I too have missed the Woyww community. Take care Zo xx 25

  4. Lovely interesting desk today - welcome back! Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#18)

  5. How fab to see you back. So glad that my post encouraged you to join in again. Funnily enough I have a pack of the same oil pastels on one of the trolleys next to me lol. Happy WOYWW and good luck with getting to 365 eventually. Sarah #2.

  6. well hello you! always great to see "old" faces back again! Helen #3

  7. Nice to see you back - hope that seeing all your old friends helps the mojo find its way back too.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  8. Good to see you back again. I have not been back on a regular basis till the last few weeks. I had not really thought about using my Silhouette to make stencils. Good idea. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #5

  9. That is one very interesting desk. Love what you're up to. Happy woyww, Angela x14x

  10. Hi Vicky, lovely to see you back! You've got some fascinating looking projects going on on your desk, and the water soluble pastels sound very intriguing - not heard of those before. Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you like my slippers! I am continuing to add embroidery and they are coming on well. I love my pantry - we had it fitted 2 years ago (can't believe it's that long!). I have been saving coffee jars for years and have masses now, and made the labels on the computer and stuck them on with gel medium. I like it that I can find everything so easily in there, after the awful cupboard that was there before. I am fine after my fall, thank you for asking - no lasting damage! By the morning I was completely over it. There wasn't much mess to clear up - only a tiny bit on the floor which of course I had to slip in!! So all my hubby had to do was help me up!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #13

  11. Welcome back! Of course we'll have you. silly woman. Life interrupts sometimes and other times, we just become completely derailed. It happens. Lovely prints! Creative Blessings! Kelly #27
