
Thursday, November 5, 2015

patchwork book

If you don’t already know, you know now, I am an absolute horder, I even keep my used kitchen towels.
What on earth can you do with those I hear you say? Well, for one you can use them in your collages, they have nice color and texture.
Or you can turn them into little canvases.
Here is a step by step (credit for Jennibellie, find her tutorial here)
You take a paper towel, apply a generous amount of glue all over the surface, fold it and smear all the airbubbles out with your fingers (o yeah, did I mention that this might get a little messy)
Repeat, so add some more glue and fold.

Now you have your little square canvas, let it dry (this can take a couple of days) and you'll have a sturdy little canvas.
Once dry I place some heavy books on them to flatten them.
My idea was to stitch 4 squares to form a patchwork page, once I have made all the pages I will bind them together with the Bind-it all.

But as you can see my stitching is rubbish, so I thought maybe I can staple them together

But didn't really like the look, so I just glued them to a page, this way however I do loose the back of them.

In each square I will be writing funny stuff my son tells or does.

Some examples
What are we eating tonight? veal. you mean the veal has laid some meat. euh, no, we are eating the veal. That's not nice, the veal should grow up first and become very old.
or we were playing a guessing game and I gave the description of a car: we have 2 of them and they have 4 wheels, he answers the garbage bins :-)


  1. Great patchwork book and a lovely way to capture moments with your son.
    Happy belated WOYWW and thanks for visiting my desk already

  2. Lovely idea! This will be a little book to treasure for ever! Had a good laugh at his cute sayings. I only remember a few of my son's sayings. He used to think the end of the motorway sign meant "no trousers", LOL and when Buzz Lightyear said "I come in peace" he thought he was falling apart! They're so funny at that age!
