
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Goodmorning curious, nosy people (and that is meant in a good way)
It is wednesday again and I'm lucky to have a day off of work because it is Remembrance Day.
And double lucky because wednesday is the day we get a peek at the desks of fellow crafters, not familiar with the concept, hop on over to Julia Dunnit's blogspot to find out all about it.
So what is happening on my desk today, let me show you

and here are some close ups

This is my very first attempt at coloring a magazine picture, didn't turn out like I wanted, but think I'm going to use it anyway and fight the urge to throw it away. Will need lots more tutorials and practice though.

Here I am trying to figure out what to do with this week's challenge over at The Craft Barn, fireworks.
Thanks for passing by and now I'm going on a trip around the world from workdesk to workdesk.


  1. Fro your first photo it looks as if you have a large craft room. Mine is so tiny.
    I have never tried colouring a magazine picture, are there tutorials on the internet then? Sounds like a good idea and I do like your lady.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  2. Wonder why we don't get a day off, everyone hears about it, Canberra marks the celebration. YOu have a very well lit work area I love it
    Bridget #1

  3. Never-ever throw anything away! I'm happy I didn't... looking back later is fun to see how far you've come and every first attempt that I hated back then is a treasure now! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #11

  4. Aren't people different? I couldn't hang onto everything like Marit above...I'd find it overwhelming. I love making stuff and moving on :-)
    You've got a lovely workspace, really open and light!
    Hugs, LLJ 2 xx

  5. Looks like you have a great space set up to do all your creative work.
    sandra de @20

  6. I love your space! So much flat surface...wish I had more. I have a small room but no nice large tables!

  7. Hmm, nice light space , covered desk, things being made - love it. I like the magazine thing, keep going, absolutely no point throwing it away, apart from anything else, it will chart your journey!

  8. What a busy busy desk; lots to snoop at here ;) Did you use a tutorial for painting your magazine image? :D

  9. Hi there, agree with the others- keeping artwork, no matter what we think of it, gives us a chance to look back and see progress, otherwise we may feel we are getting nowhere. Love the light in your workspace- makes all the difference. I painted my walls white and put daylight fluorescent bulbs in mine. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xxx

  10. Your desk is so nice and big! Have you seem Tam Laporte's free paint over collage video? I've found it very useful for learning this technique. I can look up the link for you, just let me know! Have fun with the firework challenge! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #39

  11. What a great crafty space you have and well done for hanging on to your artwork, it looks great to me, I think we are all far too self critical.
    Hugs Lisax #44

  12. A fabulous space you have there! Yes, don't throw your piece away - keep and use it. You've done well.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #32

  13. Yes keep on with the magazine lady and stick it down. I would now go over the top of the image with a different media - more linear (pencils or pastels) and perhaps sketch loosely on top of it. Good luck. And yes I wish I had a room like yours. Jealous Jackie #14

  14. Looks like you have a busy work area all ready for more lovely projects.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #19

  15. WOW what a great crafting area and it's always to fun to try new techniques I have a ratio of about 50/50 success, but like I say it's always fun.

  16. Wow, you have a great space to work in - it looks so spacious. I have to agree with not throwing stuff away as it's a good way to see how we progress and also I sometimes find something I don't like can look much better in a different setting. Thanks so much for your earlier visit to my desk, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #17

  17. I'm so desperate with the lack of light here by my desk, that I can only envy yours. Good luck with your painting project!
    Kristiina #23

  18. I've never coloured magazine pages either,hope you find some help on t'internet! Helen 6

  19. Fabulous space you have there. never tried colouring in a magazine picture. Anne x #58

  20. Colouring a magazine picture ....... now that is different! Love what you've done.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #41

  21. I've heard of this technique before but never tried it so thanks for showing us. I wonder if outlining the features first with pencil might make it easier to complete. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 21

  22. You are far more patient than me....if something I make doesn't turn out how I planned then I would throw it and start again. It looks like you're having lots of fun with your challenges.
    Thanks for calling by at mine yesterday.
    Annie x # 22

  23. I think the beauty of art is experimenting and coming up with unique results. Art journals are a great way to document your growth, so I would not throw this portrait away. Enjoy the journey, thanks for your visit, and happy WOYWW!

  24. You can find the free tutorial here, Vicky:

  25. I think your workspace is great! And the magazine piece looks fine.
    Yes, I do like the Spectrum Noirs even though I've only had them for a short while :)

  26. So late getting round desks this week! Looks like you are having fun experimenting. x Jo

  27. Well the fireworks turned out great--sorry I missed you last week, but am playing catch-up today!

