Hello and welcome fellow deskers on the last day of February,
We are all here thanks to our kind host Julia from The Stamping Ground.
My desk did see some more action then last week.
(apologies for the dark picture, forgot to turn on the lights)
I am currently working on this week's somethings,
I prepared a masterboard
which I will be cutting into 10x15cm pieces.
which I kept fairly simple:
torn bookpages from a dictionary I used way back for the alpha/dictionary challenge over at The Craft Barn and some stamped images.
Here's a collage of all 7 of them,
want to see all 56, just click on the 365somethings tab above.
I also did manage to sit down and have a go on the grungy gelli printing,
here are some samples of that session
with this one being my absolute favorite.
What have you been up to?
I'll find out now as I make my way to all your wonderful desks.
thx for stopping by and have a lovely day,
here it will be a very cold one.