Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Another week has flown by 
and here we are again 
to share our workdesk over at Julia's.

the ICAD holder is still holding the same ICADs as last week,
because I'm still busy with the next 7, 
just the one in the middle needs to be finished.

here is a (bad) shot of the 6 that are already finished.

That's me for this week,
what are you up to?


  1. Good morning Vicky.
    Nice to see your icads in a close up - great ideas there. Keep going, you are doing so well with them all.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. love the icads! have a creative week. Helen #1

  3. Hi Vicky, I particularly love the background/white space on the Let Loose icad. Happy WOYWW Sarah #7

  4. Love a messy desk it says great artist at work! love your icads. Ani#6

  5. Your desk looks so exciting! Yes, I know ... messy to you but to us .... loving the cards.
    Enjoy your week and have a Happy Easter
    Christine #16

  6. What strikes me about your desk is the array of lovely bright colours - it's really cheerful! The ICards are going to be great.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxxx

  7. Ooooo the one on the right with the purples is gorgeous! How did you do that one? Your desk always makes me want to be crafty, lots of goodies to look at.
    Ellie #27

  8. You are doing great with your i-cads! They are such fun, aren't they? Thanks for sharing! Lindart #31

  9. Wow! What a colourful desk. It's like you dropped a rainbow on it and out came those pretty i-card. Have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #28

  10. Hi Vicky, really interesting pieces on your desk. Love the colour combos. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #8 XxX

  11. ICADs are so much fun and yours all look so bright and sunny.
    Hugs Monica #32

  12. Hi Vicky. Great colourful desk and Icads! Have a lovely week Heather x #37

  13. Your desk looks like a hive of activity. On the Let Loose ICAD is that metallics I spy? Loving all the colour :)

    Have a lovely week,
    Carmen x #26

  14. Lovely busy desk today and gorgeous projects too. Happy creative woyww, Angela x19x

  15. Your ICADs look really pretty and creative, though I first had to do a web search on ICAD. (WOYWW is very educational!) I love looking at all of your supplies and getting ideas. Have a great week!

    Suzanne #35

  16. great looking desk! I love all the brilliant colors! I am unfamiliar about Icads! What are they exactly except beautiful pieces of work! I will web search shortly! Hope you are having a great week! ...I am late getting around as usual! Vickie #39
